Become A MemberTake advantage of this option if you are very passionate about Indian Classical Music and Dance thriving and growing in our community; you have an aspiring musician in your household who needs a proper platform; you just love to constantly watch and listen to performing arts – This is your jackpot! Click below to learn more.
DonateYou could be in a mood to donate for a good cause on your birthday – or perhaps you loved our last concert/program. Jump in and show your support any day, any time, any amount. We are grateful for every penny!
INTERNSHIPSAre you a student? Would you like to learn more about the different facets of a non-profit organization, especially in the performing arts field? Are you passionate about Indian music and dance? Then you are pre-qualified to apply for our internships. We currently offer internships in content Writing, Marketing, Accounts, Video and Audio recording, Graphics Designer and website design and administration. For more details, please fill out the application form.
VOLUNTEERTime is money – your most precious time is equivalent to the money that you may otherwise donate.
If you are passionate about Indian culture and performing arts and would like to volunteer your time helping man or woman(!) tables at community events, helping backstage with artists, helping teachers in classes or just any other way, then let us know your interests and we will match you up with an opportunity at Ra-Ve. Our volunteering program is a great place to start for high school students too! Fill out the form to get started. |
BOARD OF DIRECTORSThink you have it in you to take Ra-Ve to the next level? Join the Board of Directors and be the change you want to see in our community. Fill out the form and let us know about yourself and your vision for Ra-Ve and we will setup an interview with the current Board.